Residents’ Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Will I have to move?
The redevelopment plan of McKinney Manor and Pioneer Homes calls for all buildings to be demolished and rebuilt over time, through phases. This project will occur over several years and is anticipated to start in Fall 2023 or later. Some residents will be temporarily relocated and relocation will be phased, meaning that blocks will be vacated over time. Part of the proposed plan is to build on vacant land first so residents can move only once into the new housing. The City, Syracuse Housing Authority, and the development team will work closely with households to ensure the least disruption as possible.
How long will I be relocated?
All residents will have relocation assistance and mobility counseling to assist in the relocation. Some may have to move off-site temporarily, while others will move directly into newly constructed buildings.
Can I move back to the neighborhood?
Yes, current residents who are in good standing with SHA have first opportunity to move into new buildings. There will be no loss in affordable housing units upon completion of this process.
Will my rent increase when I come back?
The new housing will not affect your rental rate. If your income changes, your rent will change, but the formula that currently determines your rent won’t change.
How do vouchers work, and when will I get one?
For those who must move off-site, some may have the ability to transfer to another SHA property if they choose, or households will be offered a voucher. Relocation services will be available to help residents find an apartment.
Where can I move with a voucher?
You can move to any rental housing unit that is affordable, safe, and sanitary. According to fair housing laws, landlords cannot deny anyone housing because they’re using vouchers.
Will I lose my Section 8 eligibility?
This redevelopment effort will not impact your eligibility.
What does it mean to be in good standing?
Residents in good standing have no lease violations and are on time with their rent payments to SHA. Residents can contact SHA directly if they have any questions concerning their status.
What if I'm not current on my rent?
Your rent must be current or on a repayment plan to be eligible for relocation. Please see your manager.
Can I still participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency program?
Yes. The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program will be available for those residents who live in or relocate to either Low-Income Public Housing or the Housing Choice Voucher program.
What does redevelopment mean?
Redevelopment is the process of replacing existing public housing apartments and constructing additional affordable and market-rate housing units. The current public housing units will be rehabilitated or demolished and replaced with newly constructed units. The existing public housing units will be replaced one-for-one.
How long will redevelopment take?
Each phase may take anywhere from 18 to 24 months of construction. Before the building is completed, residents will be invited to tour the buildings and tell us whether they want to return.
Where will construction start? Will it happen all at once?
Construction could potentially start end of 2023. Construction will begin with Mckinney Manor and Pioneer Homes. It will be phased, block by block, staggering the start of each block by approximately 9-12 months.
How tall with the buildings be, will there be elevators?
Some buildings will have elevators, some will have stairs, and some will be townhomes. The tallest building will be four stories, the garden walk-up buildings will be three stories, and the townhomes will be two stories.
What amenities will we have for children?
There will be outdoor playgrounds, community rooms with WIFI, fitness rooms. The overall development plan includes an early childhood center that would include a YMCA.
Who will receive payments to cover moving expenses?
Relocation specialists will provide mobility counseling free to residents. Residents can choose to move themselves and receive payment directly to cover costs, or a moving company will be hired who will be paid directly.
Will movers & packers be paid directly, or will tenants receive the payment?
Professional moving companies will be paid directly, or residents can be paid directly if they move themselves. If a household is elderly or disabled, the moving company will help pack items.
Who will help the elderly and disabled with moving?
The relocation specialists will help the elderly and disabled and hire movers who will help pack their items.
Will I get the same number of bedrooms?
You will get the bedroom size you qualify for. If you have an extra bedroom as a reasonable accommodation you will retain that accommodation. All families will be returned to the correct size for your household composition (including any reasonable accommodation).
Have a different question?
Email us at info@blueprint15.org or call us at (315) 701-4060.